PSA: Follow me at my new blog

Alright, I’ve cooled down a bit.

In a nutshell, my old domain was purchased by some obscure -will not mention country- company, and it just redirects you to a website that looks like some sort of scam or gambling advertisement. I don’t know. I was too annoyed I didn’t stay on the page beyond 5 seconds, so if I’m wrong that’s just too bad. The point is, any links to my posts using my old domain will be directing traffic to that joke of a website.

I can’t get my domain back. I can’t transfer my material back to my kmisa account (shaking fist at wordpress for their lack of flexibility). But that’s ok. I didn’t want to blog any more. My Derp Mum blog was a mess because my heart wasn’t in it. I was trying hard to censor and tone down a lot of stuff, so it was essentially a shell with no soul. I had barely any time and my daughter was and is so much more difficult than I had expected. Blogging no more. Or so I thought.

I will now continue to blog on my NEW blog hosted on another platform. 

Go on, click it, you know you want to.

I will also transfer some of my existing posts (with updated information) to the new domain and essentially link to the new link. Nobody’s stealing my posts (unless it’s not me, then they are). I’m just transferring them over because I don’t want traffic going to places I won’t be around.

The good news is on my new blog, I will be cutting out absolutely 100% crap so you won’t get PSAs like this (unless really required) and I will not be talking about life in general. I will get talking life in specifics. Each post will have meaning. On this blog, not every post had meaning, and I knew that – it was just an outlet for me to vent. Now I will use my new blog as an outlet to inform.

Exciting times to come – I have a lot on my mind and want to venture and do more things creatively. I’ll see you on the other side. Leave me a comment at Tokyo Time. I’d be happy to say hello!


Love, Misa

Gosh, even this signature sign off is so retro. Thank God I have evolved.

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