PSA: Follow me at my new blog

Alright, I’ve cooled down a bit.

In a nutshell, my old domain was purchased by some obscure -will not mention country- company, and it just redirects you to a website that looks like some sort of scam or gambling advertisement. I don’t know. I was too annoyed I didn’t stay on the page beyond 5 seconds, so if I’m wrong that’s just too bad. The point is, any links to my posts using my old domain will be directing traffic to that joke of a website.

I can’t get my domain back. I can’t transfer my material back to my kmisa account (shaking fist at wordpress for their lack of flexibility). But that’s ok. I didn’t want to blog any more. My Derp Mum blog was a mess because my heart wasn’t in it. I was trying hard to censor and tone down a lot of stuff, so it was essentially a shell with no soul. I had barely any time and my daughter was and is so much more difficult than I had expected. Blogging no more. Or so I thought.

I will now continue to blog on my NEW blog hosted on another platform. 

Go on, click it, you know you want to.

I will also transfer some of my existing posts (with updated information) to the new domain and essentially link to the new link. Nobody’s stealing my posts (unless it’s not me, then they are). I’m just transferring them over because I don’t want traffic going to places I won’t be around.

The good news is on my new blog, I will be cutting out absolutely 100% crap so you won’t get PSAs like this (unless really required) and I will not be talking about life in general. I will get talking life in specifics. Each post will have meaning. On this blog, not every post had meaning, and I knew that – it was just an outlet for me to vent. Now I will use my new blog as an outlet to inform.

Exciting times to come – I have a lot on my mind and want to venture and do more things creatively. I’ll see you on the other side. Leave me a comment at Tokyo Time. I’d be happy to say hello!


Love, Misa

Gosh, even this signature sign off is so retro. Thank God I have evolved.

Back from the dead

Hey everyone. I’m not sure if anyone will stumble across this site again, but I am a bit annoyed that my previous domain was purchased up by some random person so I can’t go back.

I think I might have to export all of my posts (selectively) and repost them as it is my original content. It means that I will break all hyperlinks to my website and lose traffic, but that’s the only way to go by all means. In fact thanks to some asshole I lost my traffic anyway – I was wondering why I had so few hits, and now I know the reason why. Thank you but no thank you.

Shit, sorry. I didn’t mean this post to turn out this way, I was actually super enthusiastic to restart this blog, but I don’t think it’s going to happen. I think I’ll have to rebrand this somehow and start all over. Now I need more time. is now

As per the heading title, I’ve changed my web address to reflect the name of the blog itself.

From April 2018, the domain will also cease to exist.

I’m currently really unsure about this blog as I’ve hit a stage where I don’t know how to continue – or rather, I don’t think I have the right direction. For the longest time I’ve always wanted to just delete and start fresh. “miketsu” was always a temporary name as it translates to “undecided” since I had no idea what name to give my blog.

Blogging or updating was no longer enjoyable for me. I was lost for a long time.

I will most likely start up a new blog/ website in the next half year or so, dedicated to either life in general and also for my photography/ etc. I know this page has been a mixture of both, but I think I need some time off to think and revamp. As for life in general, I think I would like to restart since married life is vastly different to my life as a bored, single and pessimistic young adult aimlessly finding bare minimum enjoyment to small, unimportant details in life. I can’t say I am different as a person, but in terms of my attitude, and what I want to concentrate on more, I really want to start over to keep things consistent – which was never the case here.

As for my photography work, I’m looking forward to doing a photography/ travel/ lifestyle blog. I’m not sure if I will keep them separate or have 2 different channels, but I will work it out later.

Thank you for following all these years – I’ve kept the name “miketsu” for about 15 years now, but I think it’s time to move on. Don’t worry, I will update and let you all know where I’m at, once I feel like I’m back on track. For now, it’s temporary goodbye until I link to my new home, where I feel at ease.

You may now find me at my new blog/ domain, because yes, I am now a mum. So many changes within a year. See you all at my new interweb home.

Love, Misa



Well, happy Chinese/ Lunar New Year to all those who celebrate it. It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything, and I realised I made a mistake with the Canberra post because it was meant to be 2 days 1 night (I wrote 1 day 2 nights LOL HOW DOES THAT EVEN CALCULATE CORRECTLY UNLESS I ARRIVE THERE AT NIGHT AND THEN LEAVE AT THE FOLLOWING).

What have I been up to lately? Well I had a consumerism post in the drafts but abandoned it because I’ve been so busy torrenting stuff to the point it makes my Internet unusable while I am downloading. 

Time out – exercise. Relax and ease your mind.

I’ve also decided to take some time out for myself every night – instead of 9gagging or doing nothing in front of my computer, I’ve taken the liberty of camping out on a yoga mat in the living room. At first it was just stretching (because I am the most unflexible person ever) and some lame attempts at doing push ups. 

I used to be able to do most things in high school – minus the stretching and doing splits or cartwheels or flips. I am just surprised that even though I feel like my body is stronger, I can’t do half as many push ups or whatever as I used to. Before yes, they were hard, but doing 20 or 30 wasn’t too difficult. Perhaps it was peer pressure because everyone in the room was doing it and you were determined to not be the weakest one. Now when I try doing it again, damn, it’s hard.

It’s a bit like that in every day life – if you don’t keep up with something, it’s hard to catch up, especially if it requires effort. Just because you did it before, doesn’t mean that you can do it again now or later. Just like how bodies grow old and incapable of performing certain tasks, people change and some things can’t come back or can be redone.

To my utter displeasure I was saddened that I was unable to do a candlestick (used to do them perfectly with ease), but on the 2nd night I tried, I was able to do it – along with sore arms. 

It has been a really long time since I’ve had my body ache (the last time was when I went out for a jog and that was a really long time ago – or perhaps the time I jogged on the spot for an hour. Hmm.). Yes, it’s painful and uncomfortable but I think when I was younger, I never fully appreciated the positive things associated with overstrained muscles lol – I’m starting to appreciate it now because I never embraced those things when I was young.

When I was younger I never appreciated these muscle pains – or how I could fit my feet into small shoe sizes – or how long I could grow my hair. I never thought of working towards a healthier body and always assumed for some reason that it really had to do with genetics. I never appreciated a hard workout that would make my face flaming red and leave me soaking wet in sweat – I found that so unattractive and a nuisance. I never really cared much about a lot things that I thought didn’t matter, but actually did.

Anyway, it sounds really silly in a way but I youtubed some pilates workouts (not following them that intensely or closely, but just noting the positions and the movements via le doodles) to give myself an idea of what I could do in a stretching routine. So far, the move that is killing me the most is the plank (which consists of your entire body being supported by just your elbows and your toes) because it really works out my arms. After my successful candlestick, the next move that is working me the most is doing several of these “candlesticks” by slowly rolling my legs/feet over my head and then slowly lowering them onto the ground. This actually puts a lot of stress onto my arms (which is surprising because you wouldn’t expect that). I’ve also managed to touch the ground with my toes now, so tomorrow night will be super fun.

Although this is just night number 2 trying out these moves, I must say, I am having fun and I think I have improved and grown stronger. The first night I literally couldn’t do anything – I’d simply fail, topple over and then laugh at how much I sucked. Now I’m actually sort of doing something that vaguely resembles what I am supposed to do – and hey, that is a start.

Honestly, I am having fun. Stretching and working on building my strength takes my mind off things – so much that I am concentrating more on what I am doing than what I am playing on the television screen. I feel more energised, and I feel like I’ve accomplished something in the respect that I haven’t been wasting my time after work which I usually waste on doing useless things.

Last but not least, I think I am sleeping better – and this started when I was just starting to do my stretches. I am a very light sleeper and if I am anxious, I can hardly fall asleep. I stir a lot in my sleep and I can wake up to any slight movement or sound. If I am sharing a room with someone, the sound of their breathing (not even talking about snoring) is enough to keep me awake – and I’m able to report the next morning how many times they have turned or started to snore; that’s how shallow my sleep is. Lately though, I think my sleep is deeper and perhaps I just stir about once per night, which is an improvement to maybe 3 times or whatever it was before. 

Corny as it sounds, I’m excited to continue what I’m doing now and I’ll be searching up more movements I can do. I think I should also buy a book perhaps – that can help. Either way, it’s something I’m ready to invest in, and it’s probably the next best thing I’ve been excited over since I bought my hula hoop. WOOP. LONG BLOCK OF TEXT IS LONG.

Last but not least I’ve been seeing the influx of posts on 9gag and meme sites about skipping leg day – which is saying how some people have a muscular upper body but skinny legs since they’ve neglected their lower body training. Just saw a parallel universe post about someone skipping torso day – well guess what I am in that parallel universe >_> Not that I super muscular legs or whatever, but I must say my legs are at a level where I am satisfied with them. My upper body however, OMG FLAIL ARMS.

Seriously considering buying a wii and getting the balance board so I have something to force me into doing exercise :3

Meet up with ALL your friends!

The second half of January and first half of February was important to me because it meant that I was able to see friends that I haven’t seen in a while. It was great catching up with everyone. Although I like to whinge and complain and be a complete bitch about things, I really do appreciate it deep down. Whether it be “I’ll see you soon!” and then turn up hours later *shakes fist* or not replying my questions – I am glad to have you all in my life. So I thank you all for the things you’ve done – some of you have made a trip out to travel and see me, others have actually made the extra trip and came over to MY suburb to see me. I am also touched for friends who have taken time off work to see me – using a precious day off and letting me er waste most of it is pretty awesome in some respects.

I had a few different variations of the above the past month, and it was pretty different to the boring lifestyle I was so bitter about. It’s a good thing in a way. Be it the spontaneous dinner or random phone call saying “hey I’m downstairs at your place, come out now” – as long as it brightens up my social life I WELCOME YOU.

I can’t pinpoint any one encounter that was more important than another – I just had a good time each time. Outings designed to just simply relax and think about nothing? That’s exactly what I did. Catch up? Did that definitely. Hopefully I can keep this up for this year – it’ll make life a lot better.

The past week I’ve been pretty busy with the company’s new year’s dinner (I would list all the food I ate, but I shall refrain or else it will make me sound like a fatty fat fatty) – Friday was a blockbuster since I was out all day and only got home at about 11pm (that night I was out with friends and then bumped into MORE friends).

Beauty matters.

So I’ve ended my clothes shopping and I’ve ended my beauty hauls for this entire year. Recently I’ve been breaking out with pimples I usually don’t get… it’s really burdensome because it’s rare for me and I don’t really know what to do to fix it lol. The most common solution is to simply buy more shit I don’t need and hope that it fixes it. WELL NOT THIS TIME ROUND.

Will do more beauty posts. Hopefully I will also take more photos of myself. Go out and go crazy. I want to do a lot of things I didn’t manage to do when I was younger – still can be considered young now, but if I do anything crazy later on I will be too old to do so. Maybe one day I’ll do my makeup so crazy nobody can recognise me one day. I always wanted to do that once for uni (just turn up looking super different), but never did 😦

Holidays holidays

So I am hopefully able to go overseas at the end of March/beginning of April. In the talks of going overseas with a friend… it was Fiji but then it was somehow mutated into a place named Singapore. Not that Singapore is bad, I want to go to Singapore (probably more than Fiji), but the main reason why I wanted Fiji was because I was in the mood to go somewhere super quiet and different. I really wanted to just sit in front of the sea all day, which is totally not me.

Singapore’s good because it’s easy to get around. Their dollar is very similar to ours and it’s clean and safe. Probably my biggest question is what to do there – I’m not sure if I want to go shopping because I haven’t quite saved up enough for it. Well correction – last year I moved the majority of my savings somewhere I wouldn’t be able to touch, which was probably the smartest thing I’ve done considering how much I spend on stupid things. 

Hopefully it goes through and I get to go on my holiday. If said friend doesn’t go, I will genuinely consider going myself, so I have about a month to decide on whether or not I want to go, where to stay and what to do there. 

I’ll be going for just a very short trip – I was contemplating on doing a stop at Hong Kong somewhere along the way but it wasn’t very economical. Not sure if there is something wrong with their computer system… but the prices look shocking for now lol.

Anyway it is getting late. That’s just a small update on where I’m at and I’m happy for now. Hopefully I will have an awesome year this year – if not I will MAKE it so 🙂 Later!


Omg yay double button (black) trim military jacket!

Outfit of the day: Zipia acidy washy looking dress and Zipia boots (scrunched). I gave the dress another go – IT STOPPED SHEDDING FLUFF! But then I was using different bags today to tell.  But it should be fine now. The Zipia boots however (the suede ones) SHED COLOUR. Uhm, my shins are a bit black where I scrunched them, lol. It should be alright. I am still irked by the shoe factory smell of the boots, and the heel clacks when you walk. You get used to it. I also recommend either inserting an insole or wearing thicker than usual socks – the front part of the boot is a bit thin, so you will be slapping your foot as you walk.

Today the day started off semi-early but it began with me wandering around the city aimlessly before settling for a Gloria Jean’s Iced Mocha. It was alright, but it wasn’t as nice as the first one I ever had (which was only a few weeks ago). I then had to throw it out because while I was walking in the city I walked past someone who was coughing very dangerously – I couldn’t risk drinking possibly contamined iced mocha – into the bin it went. Speaking of which, I hate it when people cough when they walk past you. It’s really gross because it’s spreading germs around and all!

Ice mocha – no, I wasn’t drinking it at 6am in the morning or 8pm at night… polaroid makes lighting funny. And a really sketchy perspective shot on the right. It seriously looked like a render and not a photograph to me.

Both taken at World Square. The large screen is a good idea. A lot of people just started sitting on the benches watching the screen, so I think it’d work for more public spaces in Sydney.

Then I saw the lovelies \o/ So it was Pepper Lunch and giving Ramille their Pig Rabbit time. :3

Pepper Lunch isn’t that bad – it’s just not vegetarian friendly. I ordered a double chicken steak, and it wasn’t bad. The chicken tasted alright  and there was enough on my plate to keep me full. I think though the whole idea of “mix your own food” is a bit iffy since you’re paying not-so-cheap prices for it, but I think it is a fresh concept and it wasn’t badly priced or anything. I used to have this really bad impression of the place (mostly because it looked small from the outside, and you lined up right at the door), but it’s actually pretty big and it’s not bad. I’d probably go back again, actually – it wasn’t too shabby.

Secret stall is evil! I bought my military jacket from it! It looked so awesome that I had to buy it (it’s the same one that I saw the other day >_< Luckily nobody bought it! It’s the last one – they’re done with those jackets!). It looked so awesome buttoned up and I really liked the cut at the bottom which makes it more unique than your normal boxy jacket.

Now, my problem is that it’s a bit tight, and it’s because of the lining inside. I’m gonna sound a bit like Hulk here, but I actually already ripped a bit a lot of the lining inside because I tried to hug myself (ie. cross my arms in front of myself)/ stretch my arms. It’s made of a polyester that doesn’t usually come with a lining (nor does it need one), but it came with a lining. Question – should I just remove the lining? If I do that, the jacket lining won’t rip, and it’ll probably be more comfortable to wear. However on the other hand, the jacket loses a lot of its insulation. I’ll probably patch up the lining (not that anyone will see it cuz it’s on the inside when you wear it anyway) late at night (I wasn’t supposed to buy a jacket!). I’ll take a peek inside through the rip to see how the sleeves and all are attached. If it’s attached relatively well I might consider removing the lining. What do you guys think? It ultimately depends on how the jacket itself is made, huh?

Considering I paid quite a bit for it, I’d be sad to see it go to waste because it’s a bit tight. I have a feeling it’s just got to do with the fact that the lining itself not being well sewn or good quality. EDIT/ It’s probably the quality. I realised that nothing on the jacket has been overlocked, which is REALLY REALLY ODD. Once I do my own work to it (note: I do not sew, I embroid things to the point it’s impossible for them to rip), I think it should be alright. I can’t wear anything thick under it though. It’ll just have to be an autumn jacket (a pretty warm one, though).

I’m so excited! It’s gonna look so awesome with boots. Plus it’s grey in colour and not the usual black/ blue you usually see 😀 *giddy* Though the ones that 2PM wore for the Again and Again performance on the SBS Gayo 2009 (red ones) looked really awesome. Partly due to the fact that it was on Khun’s body – *whistles*.

But anyway, regardless of ripped lining, I’m going to reinforce the lining and reinforce all the buttons. I really like the buttons (that was the other factor apart from the colour and the collar) and I’d go nuts if I lost any of them.

EDIT/ I think I might wear the jacket unbuttoned. When I button I cannot lift arms ._. I think the stitching wasn’t that great to begin with – I can tell via the ends of the sleeves. Le sigh – but still, pretty is pretty. I have a feeling a someone tried this jacket on before me. Cuz I have very small hands and wrists – it wouldn’t have been me wrecking the sleeve ends. But never fear, it was worth it! Definitely D:

Kimmidoll bag holder is really prettysauce. I got “Hasumi”, the graceful one.

I love using Super Macro. It looks so nice.

I wanted “Yoshi” one, but then it was a bit too common (a lot of them sold quickly). It had pink though! But meh, blue. This one has awesome flowers on it though. These remind me of the Konad template I got 😛 Speaking of which, my “Nails of the week” are chipping off – fast. I applied a top coat last night because I realised that the purple lace stamp was fading (for good reason – that is, because it’s fading from my two index fingernails and because I didn’t use two top coats). I’m wondering if I should just redo them for tomorrow. I’ll see how things turn out. I might be too lazy to do so. Also if I do them, I’d want them to look like this bag holder. Hmmm. That sounds a bit too advanced for me. I might sew my jacket tonight instead. That should keep me busy for a good 30 minutes or so.

These things are amazing. No matter how much force you apply with your hands to tug this thing, it won’t budge.

I’m sure these bag holders can hold almost everything and anything. I bet the only time when one of these things fail is when the table collapses, not because the bag holder itself is unstable. It’s a relatively light thing to carry, too, and considering it’s so small, it’s so nifty! I bet it has to do with the dimensions, though. I’m sure all bag holders have the same circle dimensions and somehow it’s like the awesome ratio for defying gravity. And if you don’t need this to hold your bag, it’s a fun “toy” – I just tug on it randomly every now and then.

I can get over 100 points in two stages of basketball! I figured out the secret. All I had to do was take a step back. I throw the ball way too high and way too hard that it always bounces off the rim. NEXT TIME I BETTER GET TO STAGE 3! Still nowhere as good (I got like, 107 for 2 stages), but it’s okay! I can improve!

I also broke my Prize Paradise curse – though it wasn’t just a dollar (I put in 2 – don’t forget the numerous other things when I tried and failed to get stuff), I won my first ever toy at Prize Paradise. It’s a grumpy cat. But I liked it because it was pink and grey. Only it’s just very grumpy.

It looked cute when I saw it in the machine. Probably because it was face down. Hmmm. It has an evil crooked smirk face. But oh well, for $2, meh, it’s okay.

Samsung Jet Icon S8300 also has good sound quality – I’ve received a few calls and the sound quality is not bad. I realised it’s only bad when you call another Samsung phone which has bad sound quality 😛 So yeah, I’m pretty happy with this one. I think the battery life is alright, too, and will last you about 10 days on a full battery. Not bad, not bad.

I also realised that if I rotated my phone 90 degrees, I get a QWERTY keyboard when I’m typing an SMS – lols. Took me long enough to figure that one out! But it’s all good. I’ll have to get used to it, though. I can’t seem to type fast enough. But I’m faster using this one than one of those normal keypad phones!

To Ramille – hope you guys are enjoying the Backstreet Boys concert! It’s about 7:49pm as I’m typing this sentence, so the concert would have started in its beginning stages 😀


Yesterday could have been a wonderful day, but I don’t know any more. I’m hoping things are okay today and that tomorrow will be an even better day :\ If not I’ll find myself doing something else that I really hate… OTLL

Nichkhun speaks in Mandarin to a crazy woman 😛 His Mandarin is really good! Hahaha – cute XD


Up to episode 32 of Heaven Sword/ Dragon Sabre. GUHHHHH.


Lately I’ve gotten a bunch of searches which I really don’t understand. Why would you google these search terms, instead of reading the FAQ? I don’t know about other people, but even when I first join a forum, I read the Terms and Conditions, FAQ and everything before I even join – not to even mention for a SHOPPING website where money is involved.

Search: does zipia accept western union

I’m going to be a mean cookie here, but there are CLEARLY methods of payment written in their Customer Service section. You should read them thoroughly. In fact with the new website, all you had to do was just look at the top bar: “HOW TO PAY: DEPOSIT BANK PAYPAL”. Click that link and you’ll end up with a menu, and click #8 “How to pay”.

Zipia does NOT accept Western Union.

Deposit refers to money already put into your zipia account (via bank or PayPal). The site says you can’t make a payment by credit card, but they mean that they don’t accept credit card alone – you can however pay via credit card through PayPal.  

In fact, you should be pleased that Western Union is not accepted. Most dodgy sellers accept WU and there’s zero sense of security or guarantee you can get your money back if you’re involved in a fraudulent case. Not to mention WU charges exhorbitant fees.

But at the end of the day, READ THE CUSTOMER SERVICE PAGE, PLEASE.

Apart from being lazy not reading the Customer Service page, I’m just saying you should read it yourself and make sure you understand the website fully before throwing a minimum of $300USD around in cyberspace. I just don’t understand why you would do something like that. Not to mention, if  there was a site looking exactly like Zipia with a very similar address but accepting WU, and you happened to order from there and get scammed – it’s your loss. It’s as simple as that.


Search: tutorial

I’m also going to be mean here, but if you can’t navigate the website intuitively, then you’re probably a bit too young to order a $300USD minimum wholesale order. ;x

The process is relatively simple: make an account, log in, see an item? Click the “ADD TO CART” button and choose your size and colour in the pop up menu. Click “ADD” and the pop up will refresh. It is added to your cart.

Do this (and check your cart to see how much you’ve spent and to remove items) until you’ve finished your order.

Simply confirm the order, type in your address details. “CONSIGNEE NAME” or whatever, just write your full name that appears on your I.D in case if you need to collect it from your Post Office and produce I.D.

Choose your method of payment.


If you choose to pay with PayPal, they give you their email address.

Log in to PayPal. Click the “Send money” tab. There will be a form.

Copy and paste PayPal’s email to the “RECIPIENT” and type in your total (of your clothes AND shipping). Select USD as your currency. Select “GOODS” as your reason for sending money. In the message topic line, copy and paste your order number. In the message box, include your Zipia log in email, your full name, order number (and date of order, if you’re very particular) and your delivery address.

Zipia actually asks you to include this information into the PayPal message – this is probably just to confirm that they will make sure the right person has paid for their respective order.

Click send money – (the page will refresh) – then you may need to select a bank account, credit card or your PayPal account balance to pay – so select your preferred funding source. Click “PAY” or whatever the button says, and you get a confirmation email from PayPal. Done. You don’t need to do anything else.

Log into Zipia maybe after a few hours to check if your order has been paid (you click on deposit and it should be updated). If you don’t see your status being updated within 24 hours, create a topic in the Q&A section where you get to display private messages with Zipia customer service. Write your Paypal transaction number (can be found on the email and in PayPal) and you will get a response soon.


If you choose to pay with Bank Deposit, there are also bank deposit details. Unlike PayPal, you have to provide the bank transaction details under a special section in your My Account section named something like “Payment notice” to notify Zipia you’ve paid them. I’ve never used this method of payment before, so you might want to search the Internet or scrutinise Zipia’s Customer Service section more carefully.


Search: $100 australian dollars in korea

…. is about 100 000 Won. That looks like a lot of zeros. Don’t ask me what you can buy with that. I’ll just answer 4 boxes of Yufit masks, and that’s not too terribly helpful.

Actually, check out Gmarket. Their prices can actually display retail prices in Korea, so that’ll definitely give you a very good idea of how much things go for retail in Korea.


Search: can i pay using credit card thought paypal

Yes, you definitely can. You can pay using debit card as well.


Search: so ji sub tall?

182cm tall?


Search: wide face bad thing?

Nope, it’s not a bad thing. But most people will associate wideness with fatness. Not to mention most models have got heart shaped or oval shaped faces, so we all want slim looking faces. If you ask me, as long as you’re in proportion and you still look pleasant, who really cares about having a wide face or not? Oval shaped faces aren’t the only nice looking faces.


Search: gmarket time for order to arrive singapore

This depends if you bought from Gmarket Global (Korea) or Gmarket Singapore.

Gmarket generally uses express mail – I don’t know about Singapore, but if you order within Singapore, you should get it in 5 days ish? For it to be shipped from Korea (express) it would probably take the quickest about 5 working days? It depends on when the item gets to the warehouse and whether or not you’ve paid any excess shipping if they underestimated your shipping costs.

So check if you owe Gmarket money (more than 3000 Won) for shipping – if you do, they won’t send it to you until you pay!


Big search term gets own post – BRB.

Until next next post!

Blog Stats hits (on right menu)

I decided to add the blog stats X hits widget to the side. I was browsing through my old entries and realised that about 20 days ago (wait is that right?) I said I got to 1000 hits. I just realised that in about 25 days more, I received an extra 1200 hits somehow. And no, wordpress does not count my hits. How many of those hits are unique? I have no idea, but that’s a hell of a lot of hits, considering about 5/7 days this past week I’ve been getting close to 90 hits each day. Crazy. It’s because of the BOF and YB posts D:

Just DROP it.

… I don’t mean subjects, by the way. Of the educational course kind.

So stalker who I ignored sent me a message asking if anything was wrong since I didn’t reply his two messages.

I replied honestly that I have been busy over the weekend with design and I have a whole bunch of other crap to attend to.

Seriously, I give him props for confronting me like that (because it’s something I admire and something I’d do if I were in his situation), but sometimes, just drop it. I’m not his bestie, and I really DO have a lot of things happening. I have a lot of stuff due in, and I don’t particularly live in the best work environment. There are always stupid arguments going on, me getting called, and then having me also being pulled into the argument unnecessarily and I lose my cool.

I don’t have the time to just mess around. If you can do it yourself, then do it yourself. I’m not here to do something for you that you can do yourself. YOU have time, I don’t. If it takes you slower/ longer than if it does for me, I don’t care – you have the time, USE IT.

This is why at the computer labs, I do not like opening the door for people. Half of them don’t even say thank you, and barge in like it’s their right to gain access into the labs.

No, there’s a swipe card system for a reason – so that ONLY people with a valid student card can get in. There are two doors – if this door doesn’t work, walk 20m and try the other one. Don’t be so lazy and knock hoping someone has to move just to let you in, that’s not how it’s supposed to work. What’s more, the swipe card system DOES work – some people swipe too fast or too slow – how about instead of madly swiping, slow down the pace and see if it lets you in before you start to knock, eh? It’s just common sense – why some people inconvenience others for the sake of their own convenience is truly amazing.

Oh, and today – there’s this girl in my class who really pissed me off.

I was sitting on a table (because tables are totally meant to be for sitting on) swinging my legs. Now, in this scenario (as it has happened before), a guy stopped and I stopped swinging to let him pass – I mean, it’s natural, isn’t it? We both just smiled it off – it’s not a big deal.

This girl BOMBS OUT OF NOWHERE and barges through. Of course I was like “omg I’m so sorry” (and said it very sincerely) since I kicked her, because I honestly didn’t see her coming at all. She didn’t say anything like “it’s okay” and just ignored me. Okay, you can ignore if you want, after all I did kick you. It’s a fact.

I was still sitting at the table (I’m first there, first come first served right?) and she sits on a chair nearby and she sits cross legged (one leg over the other) very very close to where my feet are.

And she keeps kicking my feet/ shoes every time she switches a leg – without saying sorry.

FFS, you can move your chair back a little you know? That way you can change your legs, I can swing mine, and you don’t have to keep on freaking kicking my shoes and not apologise. I was there FIRST! You cannot seriously expect me to move just because you chose to sit that close right? Even when I don’t swing my legs you kick me. WTF.

Please do not dirty my shoes with your gross bare feet.

I ended up kicking her a few times since I was absent mindedly swinging my legs again and these few times, I didn’t bother apologising.

Look, if I wanted to screw up your feet, all I have to do is just stomp on them. I don’t understand why people take these stupid risks – I have covered shoes!

Seriously, ladies and gentlemen, some people are just plain rude and have no concept of personal space. They invade other people’s spaces just for their own convenience and all I can say is that those kinds of people are selfish and self centred, and even moreso lazy. If she had just moved her chair back just maybe 15cm, a lot of this could have been avoided!

But nah, 15cm is too much effort.


Firstly – HOLY SHIZZ I’ve been away for some time.

Admittedly, I’ve been very lazy. With everything. I’ll get there- eventually.

THIS STALKER DUDE REALLY PISSES ME OFF. (the one who went away – he came back, not the one who got crossed off the list)

– Sends a message to me at 12:30am – do you have ANY idea how annoyed I was?
I mean okay, it’s fine if I’m sleeping and the phone wakes me up, but I DO HAPPEN TO LIVE WITH MY PARENTS?
Seriously, if that message woke up my parents I would have screamed so loudly and trash my bedroom.

Do you have any common sense? Before you hit send, wouldn’t you think “oh shit, maybe, just maybe she is ASLEEP?””


– I get another one today. After a miserable day of window shopping and the worst Green tea with herbal jelly from Easyway, I sat down to start doing some hardcore design and my phone goes off. I ignored it for about 20 minutes and then the curiosity got the better of me (it could be important) and NO, MORE WASTE OF MY TIME!

Dude, I don’t care if you were overhearing a conversation on girls talking about their sexual encounters with their boyfriends, because IT IS NORMAL FOR GIRLS IN THIS AGE TO HAVE THEM WITH THEIR BOYFRIENDS.

Is it shameful talking about it in public? Well yes, but isn’t it shameful for you to spread it around more and even eavesdrop on it yourself?

Don’t point your finger and call someone shameless when you’re doing something just as bad. I am NOT interested in their sexual encounters and it seems like YOU are because you bothered eavesdropping. Found it disgusting? THEN DON’T SHARE IT. Most likely I am not interested and will find it disgusting you are bringing up a topic like that to me.

I am not interested in anything else apart from keeping myself SANE. Please don’t even THINK that I’d waste 25c to send you back a message and continue a useless conversation like that. I’m much much better than that, and I have much much better worthwhile things to do.